Current Projects
Online courses
I am currently in the creation process of offering online education programs for individuals, congregations and groups wanting to deepen in their intimacy with God, have their own prayer room or study the emotions of God in the Song of Songs. Learn more about Jerusalem and Yeshua as our Jewish Messiah.
Many prayer rooms have begun but often get hung up on the small details that make the biggest difference in facilitating harp and bowl prayer and worship. After 20 years of prayer ministry, I can help you around the pitfalls that I fell into and had to climb out of.
Many people want to be more involved in a prayer ministry and want me to tell my story, what my experiences have been from living in Jerusalem and ministering in Jerusalem. I can conduct my speaking in person or via technology such as Zoom.
All partners who donate $1 or more receive my prayer points on Israel!
All partners who donate $5 or more per month receive a special partners-only monthly update!
All partners who donate $10 or more per month will receive a special partners-only online course!